Mary Callahan was awarded a travel scholarship for the International Association for Food Protection (IAFP) annual meeting in 2015. Mary is pursuing her Master of Science in Food Science. Dr. Robert Buchanan, Professor and Director of the Center for Food Safety and Security Systems (CFS3), is her advisor. Mary has also been both a Research Assistant and Teaching Assistant for Dr. Buchanan's Food Microbiology lecture and the associated lab course. Mary will be presenting a poster on her thesis research "Investigating metrics proposed to prevent the harvest of leafy green crops contaminated by flood water" at IAFP. Mary is "really grateful for the award" and she is "excited to be able to see what food safety research is focused on today, especially how the focus might be different in different countries".
[caption id="attachment_309" align="alignnone" width="290"] Mary Callahan[/caption]